Sunday, February 11, 2007

How to hire yourself

Probably one of the more interesting points to self-programming is putting yourself to work. It is this way as we have been told all our life, through our Western "Culture", that our highest ambition is to get a "good paying job" and to live a secure life, "free" from financial worries - and retirement was the goal. Now you can see many flaws in this, just on the outset - and that is probably because anyone who still believes that in toto won't ever read this blog entry.

First error is that you have to "work" for a living. You will live regardless of what you do. Worst case scenario is that you survive via handouts. But the body will continue functioning unless you mistreat it. So you can have any quality of job you want to keep a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and clothes on your back. You can also work as long each week as you want. Several people I know have arranged their lives to work 7 days a week, at two or more jobs. For myself, I "work" only two days a week currently and split the remaining time between farming and art/writing - all of which I love. "Work" pays my bills while I invest myself in making these other ventures start supporting my life.

You can see above, that the word "work" has a pejorative association. For good reason. People were told if they submitted control of their lives to others for a good part of their week, they would be given something valuable (money) which they could use for whatever they want it for. Practically, people will increase their budget to cover whatever they are getting paid, while employers will pay their workers as little as possible. This then develops the work-ethic of "work only as hard enough to not get fired, and pay only enough so they don't quit".

This is really contrary to common sense, if people would only start sorting out their own lives without listening or believing what they have been told - at least until they verify it to be true. Look, you know what your purpose is by what makes you feel good. I've went over this point as Wayne Dyer says, "letting your purpose find you". What you consistently find brings you pleasure, satisfaction, personal pride of achievement - these things are what drives you and marks what you consider success. It isn't necessarily having a lot of money (though this doesn't hurt) or having a great sex life. It may be that all you really want to do is to raise some great kids who themselves are successful in their own lives.

Whatever you feel is right for you is what you should be doing. Now if these are criminal acts, or illegal in some fashion, you can figure on hearing from your local authorities or their bosses. But we are really talking about non-destructive actions. As Earl Nightingale said, "success is achieving some goal that fulfills a worthwhile purpose".

Now if you know what your purpose is, then working for someone else may or may not fit in to this. Writers, actors, and artists all have this independent streak which the public love them for. They may their own way in life. As well, most of the richest people on this planet currently are college drop-outs who have made their own companies and become incredibly successful through following their own purpose. This is not to say that if you like working at what you do and it fits with your purpose that you should then quit or anything like that. But I say here that not everyone was cut out of a pattern that will fit the existing molds.

In "The Secret", the second chapter starts by saying that, the secret was kept from others because those who knew it wanted the power, but not to share the power..." This is pretty accurate as it goes. Even Napoleon Hill has a large chapter in his Think and Grow Rich about how you get the job you want - not what is available, necessarily.

The trick is that you have to hire yourself to do the job you were always meant to do. You can't live life all the way through by simply doing whatever anyone else tells you to do. This is also known as slavery.

Anything you have around you, anything you've achieved or failed to achieve has been because of three things: what you think, what you decide, and what your actions are. Your past thoughts - those ideas you've had about how you think things operate around you - have determined what you have done with your life. From these tightly-held and defended "truths" you've made your decisions. If you acted on those decisions, then you changed your life for the better or worse - there is no middle of the road in life. Things are constantly either improving or declining.

You've thought, decided and acted - or failed to act. And this is how your life has turned out so far. Note the "so far" in the sentence above. What you've done up to this point has been your education. What you are doing now (thinking, deciding, acting) determines what you are going to do, have, and be now and into the forseeable future. Your life from here on out depends on just those three things: your thoughts, your decisions, and your actions.

Now what does this have to do with working? You don't have to "work" in life. Professional baseball players love their jobs. So do successful singers, songwriters, teachers - any professional does. They are doing the job which aligns with their purpose. Now take the average Joe or Josey. They haven't figured out what their purpose is and have everything pretty much on automatic. They do a job until they get "tired of it" and then get another. Eventually, they may decide to stick with a certain job until they reach "retirement age", where they can start collecting Social Security - which doesn't really give them enough to live on, so they get another part time job to work as much as they can (providing they don't make too much money in a given year, where their "Social Security" is cut off).

You can see in the above that there isn't much "security" in that scene. Frankly, you have to study up on what to do with your money as you make it, including savings and investments, if you are going to have anything left to spend when you get "too old to work" for your living.

Anyway, enough for the horrible realities of life.

The trick is to get yourself above these things. Now, you may recall from "The Secret" that you attract what you think - and what you need will be provided, according to your faith (as Collier mentions).

Before that, you have to change what you think. This means you have to figure that you want to do what you want and it's OK with you that you hire yourself to do that. Means you actually apply for the job you have always wanted. Now in this business, you don't have to fill out an application and get three or more interviews before you're hired.

You just have to think that you really should be doing what you like to do in life. And really believe it. No negatives, just all positives. Like you really have a killer resume that the boss feels lucky you don't know how valuable you really are. That kinda feeling. You get a better salary than you hoped for and a real office, not a cubicle - the work isn't hard, but you wonder if there is some catch, things are going so right for you. Yea, you have to work at it, but you've been doing that all your life and now you just get to do what you've always loved to do.

That's the feeling you have to get into. That the job has been searching for you for a long time and it finally found you. You finally hit your lucky streak. Don't look it in the mouth - gift horse and all that. You are on a roll, in the "zone", coming down to the wire minutes ahead of the next guy. That's the deal.

So - go ahead, hire yourself. Maybe you want to keep your day job until you get used to it, the day is coming when you can throw down the crutches, cast off the training wheels.

Your day is here. Seize it.

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