Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our mystic reality

The world can be understood mystically.

And wouldn't you know it, this came to me from a dream.

Mystic, according to our best online dictionaries, can be understood as being "one who seeks answers to mysteries revealed by God or divine revelation".

The root is dual, one being a Greek word meaning closed or shut - while being "akin" to a very similar word meaning to initiate, or teach.

A mystic is shown the unknown - or introduced to what is unknown to that point. You could say a mystic is a scientist - only one which doesn't rule "God" out of their equations (God used in a wider sense, being the Universal, Higher Intelligence, or any of a host of equivalent terms).

1. Does God exist in all things? I'd say so - just go out in Nature and quietly listen for awhile. There is a definite Presence there. Now come back into your "civilization" and sit in stillness in your own room - or in a big city. You can still feel this Presence. It is a feeling of internal Peace which nothing else brings you.

2. Can you understand God? Probably not in entirety, although you can understand applications around you. A "miracle" to one person is just an ordinary occurrence to another. The first doesn't understand how something is done and the later does. This also defines "magic." ("Magic" as a term comes from an ancient Persian term meaning "to have power". It usually implies the supernatural.)

3. Can God tell you things directly? If you set it up that way. "Voices in your head" are simply a mechanical approach which is intuition or insight in reality. You just get a simple translation in your own mental language (which would be concepts or pictures or words or a combination
- however you set it up). Anyone could be another Swedenborg if you chose.

4. Famous mystics in history of course include all the prophets, Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha, etc. But this could also include some of the greater scientific minds in our century as well - in particularly our quantum physicists, who are bringing Science back to a spiritual bent.

5. What's a "secret"? Something other people have forgotten and you "rediscovered", or answers to questions which seem obvious by simple inspection, but others haven't observed it that way. See Earl Nightingale's "Strangest Secret" if you want to see how certain ideas remain a "secret" no matter how widely they are written or talked about. It has to do with how willing you are to look at the world around you - which is directly related to your ability to be responsible for yourself and your effects on and in the environment you live in and with.

6. Intuition, then, is Divine if you link it to God, and mysterious if you don't. Really, it is a simple and direct connection to the universe around you. Sure, God exists (see above), but how you contact that Source is up to you. A fascinating study down this line is Huna (which comes from a phrase "Huna Kahna", meaning loosely, Secret of Secrets - a title used over and over in various books which mostly say the same thing.) Huna is open to more workable techniques being discovered - it is probably the "biggest tent" in philosophy, seconded by New Thought, though certainly a lot older.

7. How does intuition work? You only have to ask - but you do have to ask. While you could really set up a classroom set up in your mind, you are only going to be taught in relation to what you are studying or looking at. I'm sure someone could come up with an exception to this, but everything I've studied to this point only goes down that one route. Intuition will give you answers to problems you are working out, to something you've been confronted with, to your own hopes, dreams, and aspirations. It works best when you have an open mind and don't shut yourself down with fixed ideas.

8. Is everything understandable? Yes.

9. Where does this wind up? We are all constantly evolving - probably even God. (Now, get over your definition of this term - use the broader ones identified above and this will make more sense...) Our oldest philosophies tell us that our drive is to get up to the point where we fully understand God and basically achieve that level of operation. God's primary function is in keeping everything harmonious in this universe - however, this is a limited view that comes from my own understanding at this point. Read the old texts for yourself, pray and mediate on these for yourself. Then you'll get your own answers down this line.

10. Is what I write here sacrosanct, permanent, completely true in all cases? No. Your mileage may vary. Everyone has to achieve their own route out. Any writer is only talking from their own world-view. So what God is and what properties God has are entirely the view of the individual. In our modern society, few people have this approach figured out. Many even "don't believe" in any sort or type of God. Each to their own. No one can "force" anyone to believe in any way or manner. Any idea you have is your own. But again - this is my own view of things. You make up your own mind.

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